Multiple acts on the top level combined together in the opportunity of ABG 2019 awards.

Location: Mumbai, India
Client: Aditya Birla
Event team: Fountain head
Show Conception: Nikos Lagousakos
Creative Direction: Nikos Lagousakos and Dimitra Kritikidi
Martin Koubek, Roman Dobusch
About the project
Pyroterra was invited to work on the ABG 2019. We have been suppling technology, experiences and all LED effects in this magnificent show. Ft technology by Pyroterra Lighttoys was the heart of all LED props on the stage – wireless programmable system build by artists for most demanding events in the globe.
Our team made of Martin Koubek and Roman Dobusch made the whole programming of the LED props on stage, to create an outstanding visionary artistic act. The very best artists, directors, light and technician designers worked hard on this extraordinary event. The outcome was just gorgeous.
Pyroterra worked closely with the production team of the Fountainhead company to project manage the event within a two week period and delivered all Creative, Technical and Programming elements of the LED-light performance.
The site-specific performance with the LED-light electronic props which needed special caution and precision of the performers as well as synchronization of the props with the music using the latest Pyroterra Lighttoys FT remotely controlled chips.